Why isn't the media talking about the mob that stormed and vandalized the White House fence this weekend?
· Nov 6, 2023 · NottheBee.com

You didn't hear about this? Why not?

I lived from 2016 to 2020 when literally anything, anyone remotely affiliated with Donald Trump did was considered a racist "dogwhistle."

If you picked your nose within 300 feet of a Trump rally, you'd get a 2,000 word essay in The New York Times explaining how it was actually a secret message to Klan members.

Which is why I'm confused as to the media's silence on this:

[Warning: Strong Language Ahead]

Yeah, that's the fence of the White House.

I want to pause here to remind you that a man was just sentenced to SEVENTEEN YEARS in federal prison for shaking a fence at the Capitol.

Are these criminals going to get the same? Why not?

The mob also defaced statues in DC and painted "Death to Israel" on buildings:

There were reportedly swastikas in the crowd as well, along with plenty of genocidal chants against Jews.

So I'm confused.

This mob vandalized White House property:

They defaced buildings, chanted hate, and damaged historical monuments and other sacred public spaces.

Why is it that only Fox News, the NY Post, and the Jerusalem Post seem to have stories about this violent protest?

They smeared red paint on the White House fence posts! They vandalized the sacred institutions of our deMoCraCy. Where is the media?

Oh, here they are! This is ABC's chief White House correspondent:

"Passionate protests."

No double standards here, right?

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