In case you haven't heard, Kroger grocery stores are offering a great price on the blood of Jesus for the protection and blessing of your home and family. At least that's what this lady seems to think.
We're not here to be mean to this woman, but you have to understand why we'd have to publish it, right? This could 100% be a Babylon Bee skit (but it's not).
If your house is filled with chaos, yelling, fighting, things breaking, just pure madness, then, honey, you might need to break out the Welch's, and I was like, 'Say less,' except I went with the Kroger brand because... budget.
Though she didn't post the results of "baptizing" her snow-covered yard with grape juice, she was committed to giving it a try.
At worst, I wasted $6 on grape juice, and at best my house is protected by the blood of Jesus and we finally hop off this wild, chaotic, awful rollercoaster that we've been stuck on.
If you're wondering, yes, is 100% real. She posted several followup videos after this.
I didn't think the grape juice would fix anything, it was just an outward action to match where my heart is at ... [it] doesn't actually do anything, but it's symbolic of Him, His protection, and our faith in Him.
If you partake in communion, isn't that a ritual, or anointing oil, or praying the rosary?
My question? Why post it to Instagram? If you have a moment of personal conviction where you want to do something as an offering or symbolic action of trust in Christ, why blast it out to social media? Or have you not read:
And when you pray, you must not be like the hypocrites. For they love to stand and pray in the synagogues and at the street corners, that they may be seen by others. Truly, I say to you, they have received their reward. But when you pray, go into your room and shut the door and pray to your Father who is in secret. And your Father who sees in secret will reward you.
I'm just saying!
Jesus said to do everything in love even when you disagree.
Me looking for that Bible verse:

Jesus told his disciples to love one another and the Apostle Paul said "do everything in love" in 1 Corinthians 16, but that command is immediately preceded by "stand firm in the faith." That's why, as much fun as we have (occasionally) poking fun at charismatics, this story isn't just about the "too crazy for satire" headline.
It's about responding in love so we actually understand God's Word and don't stumble into sin 👇
Anyway, while the efficacy of pouring said juice around your yard may be debated for hours (even days!) to come, we can all likely agree on one thing:
Purple snow is (probably) safer to eat than yellow snow!
P.S. Now check out our latest video 👇