The choice facing what's left of Ireland
ยท Nov 29, 2023 ยท

The woke can shriek their buzzwords about tolerance all they want, but in the end, we all know their goal is to replace our nations with something else.

Don't believe me? Listen to these stunning and brave Irish legislators:

Racial Marxism is one of the dumbest versions of the woke mind virus.

These people are fools. If you saw Nigerian politicians complaining that Nigeria was "dull, black, and burnt" and that average citizens needed to allow mass migration of Europeans to assuage the "black guilt" of the Nigerian people, would it make any sense at all? Of course not.

The only reason these dolts get away with it is because Westerners have been trained to equate evil with light skin. We're as brainwashed as the superstitious ancients. Rain dances for the gods make more sense than our melanin madness.

The Republic of Ireland has only existed for a hundred years as an independent entity, and whether it survives another hundred seems to me to be a path between two options.


Or this:

I'm not saying it should come to warlord McGregor on the streets of Dublin, but to mind the times. I don't know when it becomes right or just for the Irish people to openly rebel against their traitorous overlords. I do know my own country rebelled - quite violently, actually - against the old British Empire and that human rights are protected in so many countries today because of that experiment in liberty.

We don't like to talk about such things - you'll get put on an FBI watchlist, don't ya know! - but we're at a fork in the road for civilization itself and it's worth discussing such things because obviously the Irish are discussing them.

Are we going to let our countries disappear, as people who don't want to follow our constitutions, traditions, and values replace us and inevitably form new governments/nations? Will those of us that remain be happy to be ruled by the "tolerant" tyrants who got rid of "whiteness" and implemented an underpaid servant class of migrants instead?

Or are we going to fight?

The Apostle Paul tells Christians in 1 Thessalonians 4 that they should lead quiet lives, not dependent on outsiders. Many like to twist these words to say we should never fight for what's right or righteous (I notice most of these people have LGBT, BLM, and Ukrainian flags in their profiles).

But the Bible is clear about our duty to stand up to oppressors. Or did you think America's Founding Fathers came up with this slogan out of nowhere:

Based Ben Franklin wanted this to be our national seal

White Irishmen are not the oppressors. Woke Irishmen are.

This is true everywhere the woke mind virus has taken hold.

It seems to me that out of all the West, Ireland has the clearest choice to decide the fate of their nation.

Either the Irish give up and let their country be erased from history, or they tell their tyrants that they must abdicate or face open rebellion.

(My FBI agent right now ๐Ÿ‘‡)

Americans don't like to acknowledge that the Second Amendment is there for a reason, not only as a tyranny safeguard in the United States, but as the acknowledgment of a human right that applies to every man and woman on the planet. But a wise man will consider these things, being both a peacemaker (for blessed are they) and one who understands "a time for war, and a time for peace."

If, "in the course of human events," Irishmen take up arms (and I do pray it doesn't come to that), they would be wise to pay attention to history. Not every revolution leads to freedom. The woke love to call us extremists, but celebrate things like the Arab Spring a decade ago. Countries like Libya are now pirate wastelands with open-air slave markets.

Instead, the Irish should heed the advice of the book their ancestors put their faith in:

"This is what the Lord says: Do what is just and right. Rescue from the hand of the oppressor the one who has been robbed. Do no wrong or violence to the foreigner, the fatherless or the widow, and do not shed innocent blood in this place." - Jeremiah 22:3

Too often, the "Us vs. Them" mentality leads to the oppressed becoming the oppressor. God is clear: We are to stand up to the oppressors. We are to protect the weak and seek justice for the victim. We are also to do no wrong to the resident foreigner living in our nation - a person who wants to peacefully assimilate and lawfully live in our land. Neither are we to harm the fatherless or the widow, or any innocent person.

(Note that shipping millions of violent, jobless, single men back to their countries of origins is actually a great way to protect the innocent!)

The fight is not against immigrants or immigration, nor should we let the wokies say we are anti-immigrant. The fight is against violent criminals, evil ideology, and the wicked rulers who allow the prior two to spread like cancer at the expense of their own people.

(And for the Christian, the fight is ultimately with the spiritual powers that control these wicked people.)

If we fail to stand up to the wicked or to protect the innocent - well, God told the Israelites long ago what would happen to them in that case:

But if you do not obey these commands, declares the Lord, I swear by myself that this palace will become a ruin.

The choice is up to you, Ireland! Fight or give up, but understand this: If you wish to fight peacefully and see a civilized transition of power, the time to fight is now. We are still at a time when words and ballots may decide history if you're willing to risk a little "hate" speech. I'd argue your duty is to exhaust every peaceful option before McGregor is crowned warrior-king.

If you wait, then in the last days of your nation, the time for words will be long past.

Choose well.

PS - I gotta give a shoutout to our subscriber who dropped this comment:

P.S. Now check out our latest video ๐Ÿ‘‡

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