This UK professor was fired from a Bible college for defending biblical sexuality. Now he's suing his former employer.
· Nov 29, 2023 ·

Back in February, Dr. Aaron Edwards, a professor at Cliff College in Derbyshire, England, took to Twitter to voice his opinion on biblical sexual ethics and oppose the LGBT agenda that is taking over churches in England.

For this statement, and his defense of the biblical position in the comments, Dr. Edwards was fired from his job.

Edwards was suspended from the school pending an investigation and the college revealed during a disciplinary hearing on March 8 that it was considering referring him to Prevent, which polices allegations of terrorism in the U.K.

Edwards was reportedly asked during the hearing what he would do if he were asked to pray with a student about their same-sex attraction, which he believes was an attempt to trap him into affirming "conversion therapy," which the U.K. Parliament has debated criminalizing.

The college also considered reporting him for ALLEGATIONS OF TERRORISM.

Because he said basic truths about homosexuality!

Edwards is now suing the college for firing him after exercising free speech because such a stain on his professional reputation could prevent him from being hired at other schools as well. He's teaming with the Christian Legal Centre and is seeking damages against the university.

Here's some of his statement:

"Anyone concerned about academic freedom, Christian freedoms, and free speech should be deeply concerned by what has happened to me," Edwards said in a statement.

"The reaction to my tweet and the unjust treatment I have experienced by Cliff College and the Methodist Church in Britain completely illustrates the problem my tweet addressed," he said.

"The tweet was not defamatory; it was not an attack on any colleague or individual; it was not abusive; and it was not an extremist religious view. It was addressed to evangelicals as a point of doctrine, and it has been misunderstood by many who wish to cause personal and institutional trouble for those who express that view," Edwards explained.

I mean ... he's not wrong.

They completely proved his point, that LGBT activists have completely taken over the institutions in Britain, including the school at which he was employed which is associated with the Methodist Church.

They both defamed this man as an evil hater and potential TERRORIST because he believed what Christians have always believed.

Andrea Williams, chief executive of the Christian Legal Centre, who grew up in the Methodist Church, said she's sad to see the Methodist Church, and a once renowned Bible college lose their way by no longer upholding marriage as God defines it, or supporting those who express it.

"The key to the revival that sprung up through Methodism was its passion for the truth that is contained in the Bible. I caught that passion from faithful Methodist Sunday school teachers as a young girl and it is devastating to see the movement reflecting society's values rather than upholding true marriage," Williams said.

Pray for the CLC and Edwards to win this case and stem the tide of Orwellian speech codes in Britain!

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