Babylon Bee CEO Seth Dillon reports Vimeo has "permanently suspended" the David Horowitz Freedom Center for posting his talk on CENSORSHIP 🤡
· Nov 10, 2023 ·

The major online video platform Vimeo has reportedly "permanently suspended" the David Horowitz Freedom Center from their site because they posted a video from Bee owner Seth Dillon talking about, wait for it, CENSORSHIP.

From FrontPage:

On Monday morning, I began hearing that all of our videos had suddenly disappeared... With no information from Vimeo as to why we had been censored, the Center's team could only speculate what woke dogma we had violated that hurt the tender feelings of the boys on the 10th floor in Manhattan.

When Vimeo finally got back to us, it turned out to be the ‘Bee'.

The David Horowitz Freedom Center had been censored for a talk about censorship.

Even more ironically, Vimeo banned the Freedom Center because Seth's talk was on the subject of The Bee being banned from Twitter for naming Rachel Levine the "Man of the Year."

The focus of Seth's talk had been about the different forms of censorship that the site faced. He delved into the internal process that led The Babylon Bee to approve the ‘Man of the Year' joke even knowing that it risked bringing the wrath of Big Tech down on them.



"We were going back and forth when we pitched this joke," Seth Dillon had told us at the Restoration Weekend. "This by the way is one of the ways that they censor people. They censor you after the fact, but they also censor you before the fact. There's pre-censorship that happens because people are afraid to make jokes and statements like this knowing they will probably get censored, so they censor themselves. My writers come to me all the time saying, ‘I've got a really funny joke, but if we publish this, we might get banned.'"

This makes at least two times that this joke has caused a MAJOR online company to exercise the banhammer.


Elon Musk, who bought Twitter to save the world from the censors, immediately responded to the news:

Maybe Elon will consider buying Vimeo too!

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