This woman spoke out against a trans powerlifter who CRUSHED the competition. The Canadian Powerlifting Union wants to ban HER now, of course.
· Nov 10, 2023 ·

April Hutchinson, a female powerlifter from Canada who has vocally opposed men competing against women, we've covered her here before, has just received the banhammer.

Yes, if you're a man you can compete against women. But if you speak out against this, you're the one banned from the sport.

The Canadian Powerlifiting Union decided that if you speak out publicly against MEN crushing WOMEN in powerlifitng then you need to be banished from the sport as a punishment for telling the truth.

Hutchinson was reported to the CPU on August 23 by Anne Andres, a trans-identified male athlete who set a women's national record at a championship in Brandon, Manitoba, on August 13. Hutchinson had publicly condemned his participation in the women's category, and appeared on Piers Morgan Uncensored just days after the championship competition...

In response to news of Hutchinson's potential ban, The Daily Mail reached out to Andres for comment. He responded by telling the journalist who contacted him that "the blood of LGBT people" was on her hands, and added, "Get straight f*cked."

Yeah, that's not very ladylike if you ask me.

This dude who goes by Anne complained, got April banned from the sport, then went on a bizarre rant to the DailyMail for simply reaching out for comment.

Riley Gaines shared the entire text, you can read it here if you aren't offended by the language.

We are living in clown world, ladies and gentlemen. And I do mean ladies and gentlemen.

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