UK removes baby Indi Gregory from life support despite weeks of pleas from Italian government, Vatican hospital, and millions around the world
ยท Nov 13, 2023 ยท

I am sad to report that Indi Gregory was killed by elites playing God early this morning.

From the father, Dean Gregory:

Indi's life ended at 01.45am. Claire and I are angry heartbroken and ashamed. The NHS and the Courts not only took away her chance to live a longer life, but they also took away Indi's dignity to pass away in the family home where she belonged.

They did succeed in taking Indi's body and dignity, but they can never take her soul. They tried to get rid of Indi without anybody knowing, but we made sure she would be remembered forever. I knew she was special from the day she was born.

Claire held her for her final breaths.

This was Indi. Don't forget her please. ๐Ÿ‘‡

Indi had a mitochondrial disorder that required her to be in constant care. The UK courts and doctors said it was more compassionate to let Indi die than to fight for her life, even after the Vatican's pediatric hospital pressured British authorities to release the baby to them.

The Italian government actually stepped in to help expedite the process. Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni undertook the extraordinary step of granting emergency citizenship status to Indi so that she could immediately be flown to the country.

Pope Francis even released a statement on his prayers for Indi.

Still, British authorities thought they knew better. They said it was in her "best interests" to die. They are, after all, so enlightened on matters of who wants to live and die (and when to end people's lives whether they want it or not).

Such hubris. Such pride. Perhaps one day when they stand before God with little Indi there at His side, they will understand how very small and wrong they were.

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