Remember sweet little "Batkid," the leukemia patient who saved Gotham City? Warm your heart by reading what he's up to now.
ยท Nov 15, 2023 ยท

Many of us will never forget "Batkid," the little boy who was suffering from leukemia and won all of our hearts after he donned a Batsuit and helped Bruce Wayne defeat the bad guys and save Gotham:

No criminal could fend off Batkid's fists of steel. And even the iciest of onlookers couldn't help but be melted by his innocent bravery:

(Excuse me for a moment.)

Now, 10 years after basically the entire city of San Francisco came out to make this boy's wish come true, you will be pleased to know that he is doing well:

[M]iles himself has been free of cancer for the past few years.

"Every year he goes for a checkup, and everything's been on the straight and narrow, so, we hope to keep it that way," said Nick Scott, Miles' dad.

Praise God for that. Here's young Miles at a recent family celebration, cancer-free:

The young man is a catcher for his high school baseball team in Tulelake, on the Oregon border. And he's currently entertaining dreams of "going to Alaska and being a 'pack mule' for his cousin's husband's guide business," according to his mother.

Whatever you do, Miles, God bless you in it โ€” and thanks again for saving Gotham.

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