This might be the most honest pro-abortion video ever
ยท Jun 6, 2024 ยท

Here's what you're up against, pro-lifer.

It's hard to argue that women are victims of abortion when there are videos like this floating around.

I love killing babies! I love that!

"No one WANTS abortion! It's just a fact of life." I hear you say. "Women only want control of their bodies, abortion is a tragedy for everyone involved."

"No one uses abortion as birth control!"


I've had, like, 45 abortions and I'm gonna keep having them.

And what about the guy at the end?

He really spelled it out, didn't he?


That's what this is really about.

I think this is the original video: It's on Instagram and this account watermarked the video and released it back in April.

The next time you hear someone use fancy language like "women's rights" to describe baby murder, remember this video.

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