Pennsylvania school district to pay $200,000 in settlement with Satanic Temple for discrimination lawsuit. This really is the stupidest timeline, isn't it?
· Nov 21, 2023 ·

The absolute state of our world, people:

Yes, the Satanic Temple, whose After School Satan Club's motto is "educatin' with Satan," just won a settlement of $200,000 from the Saucon Valley School District in Pennsylvania. The ACLU assisted the Satanic Temple in their filing of a free-speech lawsuit against the district for previously banning the club, and now the club is back with more Satanism for the kiddos.

The Saucon Valley School District agreed to pay $200,000 in attorney's fees while vowing to provide the club with the same access to campuses as other organizations get, despite previous fiery protests.

The lawsuit was filed with help from the American Civil Liberties Union, which called Thursday's settlement "a victory for free speech and religious liberty."

The district, about 60 miles north of Philadelphia, had initially agreed to allow school facilities to be used for the After School Satan Club, whose motto is "Educatin' with Satan."

It was accused of discriminating earlier this year when it withdrew permission following a fierce public outcry, culminating in protests and even a threat in February that led to schools shutting down for a day.

So After School Satan Club is okay, so I guess we can all get to work on After School Christ Club and that will be alright with everyone, right?

Sure, it would probably win in the courts, too, since we do have that nice little thing called freedom of speech, but I bet there'd be a lot more outcry against Christ Club than there was for Satan Club.

Just sayin.

The lawsuit centered around the claim that The Satanic Temple's First Amendment rights were violated when the public school district refused to provide the After School Satan Club with the same right to convene as it extends to other religious groups like the Christian-based Good News Club.

A federal court agreed, granting the temple emergency judicial relief on the grounds that the club was denied equal access to school facilities "based on The Satanic Temple's controversial views on religion and the community's negative reactions thereto" …

Despite its name, The Satanic Temple actually has nothing to do with fire and brimstone or worshipping the devil.

Rather, it claims to utilize Satanic imagery in a subversive and at times satirical manner to advocate for equal representation and highlight examples of "religious hypocrisy" in which it sees Christianity being endorsed or promoted by schools or other public institutions over other belief systems.

The organization boasts more than 700,000 members across North America, Europe and Australia.

While I agree with the court's decision here (because free speech is free speech) I don't quite understand why anyone would openly allow their children to attend not only this club, but a school that promotes such a thing. Apparently these things are popping up everywhere, though, because of course.

I sure hope it's not illegal for people to vote with their feet and go find another school district that doesn't serve Satan. I know that's what I'd do.

Leave the Satan kids to their death in sin and let everyone else escape.

Next up, the After School Hitler Club with the Palestinian Pansexuals for Progress.

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