New poll shows that Hillary and Kamala are the favorite choices among Democrat voters to replace Joe Biden if he doesn't run
· Nov 26, 2023 ·

A poll of Democrat voters by Harvard-Harris shows that, as we have surmised, most Democrats are masochists.

Okay, so the poll wasn't about masochism technically, but it was about who Democrats would replace Joe Biden with if given the chance, and two names rose above the rest.

In the poll of 2,851 voters conducted Nov. 15-16, 24% said they would vote for Harris, while 13% said they would pick Clinton, the former Secretary of State who lost to Donald Trump in the 2016 presidential election.

When you look at the lineup of Democrats, it's not hard to see that they really don't have any good options.

But Hillary AGAIN? Or Kamala Harris?

They couldn't even throw Gavin Newsom a bone?

It's almost like the Democrats want to inflict the maximum amount of pain on the United States as possible.

The poll also showed that only 42% of voters think Biden is "mentally fit" to be President, which is generous if you've paid attention to what's going on. So they're just happy to choose anyone who is able to complete a sentence.

Even if it's a run-on.

If Democrats had their way, in an open field, they'd ditch Sleepy Joe and be stuck with either Crooked Hillary or Kamala.

Or if they joined forces...

Could you IMAGINE the cackling?

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