Man, have I got some AWESOME news to share with you today!
According to a new NBC News, more Americans now own guns than at any other point in 24 years of polling on the question.

It's a great day for America, everybody!
A NBC News poll conducted November 10-14, 2023, shows over half of Americans - 52 percent - say they or someone in their household owns a gun.
It's up 10% over the last ten years and 6% since 2019 alone. A majority of Americans now own guns.
(And that doesn't even include the poll participants who inevitably said, "Nice try, feds!" and hung up the phone!)
The poll revealed that Republicans are still more likely to own guns than other party affiliates. Democrat gun ownership has risen to 41%, which, if you live in a Democrat-run city, makes total sense. Jewish Americans, who vote majority Democrat, have been running out to gun stores and ranges in recent days.
Even Independents are clocking in at 45%!
We are absolutely cooking right now! This makes me so pumped to be an American. The Founding Fathers would be so proud.
We still gotta pump up these numbers tho:
The NBC News poll also measures voters' attitudes about gun rights.
Almost half -- 48% -- say they're more concerned that the government will not do enough to regulate access to firearms, versus 47% who believe the government will go too far in restricting gun rights.
I'm not too worried though: We'll get over 50% when the government inevitably makes more people realize why the Second Amendment was created.
I'll let classic Kevin James tell you exactly how I feel right now:
P.S. Now check out our latest video π