King Joe's goons charge five more Americans for blocking access to abortion clinic
· Jun 21, 2024 ·

The Biden DoJ will continue to imprison pro-lifers and selectively prosecute Christians as long as they can. You might say it's a priority.

Five more Christian anti-abortion protesters have entered the Biden DoJ's crosshairs for FACE Act violations, this time in Florida.

The U.S. Department of Justice on Thursday filed a lawsuit against five pro-life protesters accused of blocking the entrance of an abortion center in Fort Myers, Fla., on Jan. 27, 2022. The Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act prohibits the blocking of patients' access to medical facilities and abortion centers. The DOJ alleges that Kenneth Scott, Calvin Zastrow, Eva Zastrow, Chester Gallagher, and Katelyn Sims deliberately blocked the entrance to a Planned Parenthood-run abortion center and that by doing so, they halted the facility's operations.

Pro-abortion activists bomb pro-life pregnancy centers and often get away with it, you know, because it's at night.

Meanwhile, if you sit in front of an abortion clinic, the DoJ goes after you.

When police were called, the anti-abortion protesters informed the cops that baby murderers were inside the building. They tried to shove the front door closed to prevent a "patient" from entering, and three of them tried to enter the facility through a locked back door. It's not clear what the plan was if they had made it inside.

Police arrested all five.

4 of the 5 being sued by the DoJ have already been convicted for trespassing at the Planned Parenthood location. The fifth entered a no-contest plea to trespassing as well.

Three of the individuals already face prison time for a separate charge of blocking access to an abortion mill in Tennessee.

The DoJ is trying to make a point.

It's the same point they've made over and over again.

Pro-lifers go to jail. Pro-aborts who commit worse crimes often go free.

It's up to brave men and women to show the DoJ that the lives of children are more important than our freedom.

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