Alabama pastor outed for crossdressing, posting violent sexual fantasies commits suicide. Wokies say it was mean to expose his deeds because they are more holy than Jesus, I guess.
· Nov 6, 2023 ·

Bubba Copeland was a mayor of a small Alabama town and the pastor of a local Baptist church who was outed last week for his secret fetish of crossdressing and posting graphic sexual fantasies online.

On Friday, it was reported that Copeland, who had defended his sin in front of his church after the news broke, committed suicide and left behind a wife and three children.

And yes, his graphic porn stories were extremely violent:

But Copeland's fictional exploits took a dark turn in 2021, when he published "Dangerous Obsession." In the story, Copeland describes becoming obsessed with a local business owner, who he ultimately murders to assume her identity. The woman murdered in the story is a real individual who lives in Copeland's community.

Of course, instead of covering this story for the tragedy it is, mainstream media and progressive "Christians" have jumped on the story in order to shame faithful Christians who objected to the pastor's sinful behavior, blaming them for driving him to suicide. wrote:

Cam Ward, director of Alabama Pardons and Paroles, called Copeland's death "so incredibly sad."

"We live in a society where many people are going through so much. Regardless of decisions we may disagree with we should always love our fellow man as the Bible teaches us. I know first hand," Ward tweeted. "A lot of folks reading his story should look in the mirror."

U.S. Senator Doug Jones attacked 1819 News, the outlet that first broke the story:

Jones said "it is sad and disgusting how he was treated by the 1819 News for personal decisions however misguided they might have been. We live in a mean, bitter world where the self righteous tend to throw the largest stones and the 1819 News is the perfect example."

Then there were "Christian" commentators who objected to outing Copeland:

The "rhetoric" caused his suicide. Not his own shame, desperation, and depraved reaction. It's YOUR fault.

Exposing sin is harmful and should never be done. Copeland should only have been loved and affirmed! If we point out evil, especially in men who are leading our churches and governments, they might kill themselves. You don't want to be mean, do you?

As wrong as it was for Copeland to sin as he did - as wholly unfit for the office of pastor as he was - what these "progressives" are peddling is a level of demonic perversion far above and beyond.

No one wanted to see Copeland's story come to an end like this, but we should all remember the words in Numbers 32:23.

But if you will not do so, behold, you have sinned against the Lord, and be sure your sin will find you out.

As to exposing evil, the cockroaches that hate the light and will blast it as "anti-LGBTQ+" might want to look to the words of Jesus. For in the same famous John 3:16 passage where he told Nicodemus that God loves the world, he says this:

This is the verdict: Light has come into the world, but people loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil. Everyone who does evil hates the light, and will not come into the light for fear that their deeds will be exposed. But whoever lives by the truth comes into the light, so that it may be seen plainly that what they have done has been done in the sight of God.

And what is this in reference to?

That Jesus had come to save the world, but that a person who rejects him (and those who refuse to repent of their sin have rejected him) "stands condemned already."

Are you more holy than Jesus, Zach Lambert? Just sweep it under the rug, Sen. Jones? That'll do it!

As I noted above, Copeland had stood in the pulpit a few days before his death and, completely unrepentant, had noted how many people were affirming of his sin:

What if a few good men in his church had called Copeland out for his sin, prayed for him, and convicted him to repent? Imagine what healing there might have been, instead of easy "affirmation" that let him slide into despair and guilt?

If your brother or sister sins, go and point out their fault, just between the two of you. If they listen to you, you have won them over. But if they will not listen, take one or two others along, so that ‘every matter may be established by the testimony of two or three witnesses.' If they still refuse to listen, tell it to the church; and if they refuse to listen even to the church, treat them as you would a pagan or a tax collector.

Hiding sin never works.


It always finds you out.

And when it does, it destroys entire communities.

Be mindful of that the next time someone says exposing sin is "hateful," or misquotes Jesus's words on "casting the first stone."

Our prayers go out to Copeland's family and his city.

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