It. Has. Begun.
In the last 24 hours, ICE arrested over 308 serious criminals. Some of them were murderers. Some of them were rapists. Some of them raped a child.
Not just 308 illegal immigrants, but 308 "serious criminals."
They're going after the worst of the worst, and this is exactly what needs to happen.
For a second, can we just imagine how much easier of a job this would be without the last four years of Biden's open border?
But this deportation effort, which only has to happen because of Biden, is about the only time I can honestly say Biden created jobs in this country.
Estimates suggest there are up to 14 million illegal immigrants in the United States -- though this author believes that number to be much, much higher.
Mathematically speaking, Trump is about 0.0022% of the way there.

P.S. Now check out our latest video 👇