Meet the physics professor sending his remains to the moon with the thought that aliens might "create an army of his clones"
ยท Nov 15, 2023 ยท

Bro thinks he's Jango Fett!

A physics professor has ambitious plans for his DNA following his death - he wants to send them to the moon in hopes aliens will create an army of his clones.

The idea may sound like the plot of a science fiction film, but Ken Ohm, 86, has employed a Texas-based company to launch his remains to the south pole of the lunar surface.

This professor really thinks aliens will want to use his DNA to create a swarm of Kens??

The New York Times reports this is (mostly) tongue-in-cheek: case, 30,000 or 40,000 years from now, some remnant of this civilization or another civilization altogether discovers his genetic blueprints and โ€” what, exactly? Anything, really! But if they're sophisticated enough to find his DNA and utilize it, Ohm presumes it would be for something extremely cool.

...much more frightening, particularly for his wife, he jokes โ€” a swarm of thousands of reconstituted Ken Ohms spreading across the universe. "I'm living with the uncertainty," he says.

Obi-Wan showing up on Kamino to learn about the clone army of Ken Ohm ordered by Palpatine though Master Sifo-Dyas:

You know, if nothing else, it really is a sign of the decadence and opulence of our time that a random dude in Kansas can just contract for his remains to be shot into space.

But wait: It's not just alien cloning the man's interested in. He actually is sort of into the whole monument thing, too:

While Ohm looks forward to extraterrestrials finding his genetic blueprints, he also sees the mission has the ultimate memorial - when the moon is full, his descendants will look up and think, 'Old Ken has his DNA up there,' he said.

Yep. Generations of Ohm descendants gazing into to the heavens and thinking of that ol' Ohm double-helix up there.

I think there's a little something going on in Ohm's head that's been a problem for us humans since our great-grandnana talked to that snake.

Notably, Ohm had dreams of going into space while still alive, but our nation's cruel space force apparently scuttled those ambitions:

NASA said 'no' because he is six feet tall[.]

Oof. Just imagine how embarrassing it would be if the aliens rejected him for the same reason!

Speaking with The New York Times, Ohm said he has also considered aliens recreating him for an 'intergalactic zoo.'

You can read about more of these people who want to send their remains into space in the NYT's writeup here.

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