This guy had a headache for 5 months and it turns out he had chopsticks lodged in his brain from a bar fight he barely remembers
ยท Nov 28, 2023 ยท

Dude, this is one gnarly story right here.

This man had a headache for five months โ€” FIVE MONTHS โ€” and he couldn't figure out what was going on. Turns out, the never-ending headache was caused by a pair of chopsticks that had been beaten into his brain during a bar fight like something out of a movie.

Bro, how do you live your life for five months straight with chopsticks stuffed in your brain? I mean, the initial blow in that bar fight is one thing, and it's completely awesome, but five months like this?!?

Let's look into this story so you don't think I'm Joshin' ya.

The unnamed 35-year-old patient had reported to the Cuba Friendship Hospital in Dong Hoi on November 25th after suffering from the aforementioned headaches as well as fluid discharge and fluid loss, The Metro reported.

There, doctors conducted CT scans, which revealed that the man was suffering from tension pneumocephalus, a rare but potentially life-threatening neurological condition defined by a dangerous increase in intracranial pressure.

A subsequent examination revealed the unusual source of the man's symptoms: a pair of chopsticks that had reportedly penetrated up his nose and into his brain.

Imagine being the doc in this situation. Like, I'd be afraid to treat the guy any further. What if he works for the mob or something? I mean, dude's got chopsticks stuffed in his brain and he's still kickin'. I'm not messing with that guy if I'm a doctor, or I'm just keeping my mouth shut and working on him in silence.

Here's the good part when our patient realizes this may have been the result of a bar fight he'd been in around five months prior.

The patient didn't remember many details from the brawl, only that someone had stabbed him in the face with an unknown object.

However, when he reported to the hospital following the incident, doctors didn't find any chopsticks or any abnormalities with his nose.

In retrospect, the bemused patient believes that he'd been stabbed up the shnoz with the food forceps, which then sat undiscovered in his skull until now.

Thankfully, doctors were able to remove the chopsticks via endoscopic surgery through the nose.

Just look at that nose!

Bro is lucky to have survived.

Luckily, the surgery went well and our guy is in stable condition as he awaits discharge. I'm sure he'll be on the lookout for the chopsticks brawlers at that bar he frequents.

Time for some payback!

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