The Oakland City Council just voted 8-0 for a ceasefire in Israel and refused to condemn Hamas. So, I guess the war is over?
ยท Nov 28, 2023 ยท

Peace in our time!

The city of Oakland, California, has solved the millennia-old conflict over Israel and brought peace to the Middle East by officially voting 8-0 on the city council for a ceasefire.

The council also took the time to reject any opportunity to condemn the savage terrorist group Hamas for its attacks against Israel.

The resolution acknowledges that "over one thousand people in Israel" have been killed (the number is closer to 1,200), and claims that "more than eleven thousand Palestinians in Gaza" were killed, apparently citing Hamas statistics that do not distinguish between terrorist combatants and civilians.

It claims that "sixty six percent" of Americans support a ceasefire, citing a left-wing poll, and ignoring the fact that Rasmussen Reports found exactly the opposite result โ€” that 68% of Americans oppose a ceasefire as a surrender to Hamas and its terrorism.

So, the city of Oakland is totally captured by ideological lefties if it isn't clear.

Of course, it's all empty virtue signaling to the anti-Israel left-wingers. It's not like anyone in Israel is now saying, "We lost Oakland, let's give up!"

However, Oakland wasn't just shouting into the wind. There's a reason behind the madness:

City councils have no authority over foreign policy, but can affect people-to-people relations and economic ties. The Bay Area has close connections with Israel through the role of Israeli high-tech startups and tech workers in the Silicon Valley ecosystem.

Good job, Oakland. Thanks for the Parks and Rec skit. It's not like your councilors have anything bigger to worry about. ๐Ÿ‘‡

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