Bad news: The Federal Reserve still exists.
Good news:
Yes, the Fed just announced they were going to withdraw from a global climate coalition of other national banks that functioned like a Paris Climate Accord for centralized banking.

Beeple, are we tired of winning yet?
The Federal Reserve announced Friday it had withdrawn from the Network of Central Banks and Supervisors for Greening the Financial System, a global coalition of central banks engaged in the study of climate risk that was launched in 2017.
'While the Board has appreciated the engagement with the NGFS and its members, the work of the NGFS has increasingly broadened in scope, covering a wider range of issues that are outside of the Board's statutory mandate,' the Fed said in a statement.
Yes, 8 years of being beholden to a globalist cabal that wanted to use the national bank to "save the planet" or some such nonsense, is officially over.
The Fed has come under pressure in recent years from Republican lawmakers, including over concerns that climate worries have unduly influenced financial regulation and that the central bank has become increasingly politicized
I'm sure this has nothing to do with what happens on Monday, right?

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