Canadian Human Rights Commission uses Christmas and Easter as examples of nation’s “religious intolerance” as "a settler colonial state”
· Dec 4, 2023 ·

Oh, Canada!

The Canadian Human Rights Council, in its mission of "anti-racism" and to stomp out "religious intolerance," has targeted Christian holidays Easter and Christmas as examples of colonialism and racism.

Yes, really.

Canada is coming after those dirty Christians who settled Canada and their racist ways!

In a paper on "religious intolerance" published by Canada's Human Rights group, the author seeks to explain Canada's inherently racist and intolerant policies.

Discrimination against religious minorities in Canada is grounded in Canada's history of colonialism. This history manifests itself in present-day systemic religious discrimination. An obvious example is statutory holidays in Canada. Statutory holidays related to Christianity, including Christmas and Easter, are the only Canadian statutory holidays linked to religious holy days.

It's discrimination against religious minorities to give them Easter and Christmas off!

Can you imagine going anywhere else in the world and lamenting that they aren't more inclusive with their statutory holidays. I don't see the Canadian Human Rights Commission lamenting the fact that Saudis don't get Christmas off or that the Chinese only celebrate Chinese New Year.

But if you were a Christian who founded a Christian country, well, it's a problem because you are a Christian and Christianity is the problem.

The paper says, "Canada's history with religious intolerance is deeply rooted in our identity as a settler colonial state."

It's assumed that Canada is racist, intolerant, and evil because Europeans who moved to the Americas were evil for doing so. And if they were Christians, then celebrating Christian holidays is also racist by extension. The only way the woke can atone for the sins of whiteness and Christianity is not to actually move back to their countries of origin, but to erase the history and traditions of Christianity.

Here's the conclusion to this paper and the radical suggestions from the "anti-racist" author:

Canada has both domestic and international obligations to protect Canadians from individual and systemic actions committed because of religious intolerance. In order to move forward towards sustainable change, all Canadians must first acknowledge Canada's history of religious intolerance, and more importantly, its existence today. It is imperative that individuals and organizations promote education, dialogue, tolerance, and diversity to spur cultural and societal change with the goal of making Canada more inclusive and accepting.

It's the same robotic woke messaging as always!

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