"When you're the problem, we're the solution": A sneak peek into Canada's newest anti-white art exhibit
· Nov 9, 2023 · NottheBee.com

After this tweet went viral, a Vancouver-based journalist went to check out what all the hype was about:

The Vancouver Art Gallery (which, yes, receives government funding) is charging people $30 to view a hateful, anti-white exhibit called "Conceptions of White."

Just imagine the mass protests shutting this thing down if you just changed one word in the title.

Lindsay Shepherd, a True North reporter, detailed her experience coming into the exhibit as a white person - and it wasn't pretty.

As you walk into the exhibit, you are met with a headshot of a white male with the text, "When you're the problem, we're the solution."

True North/ Lindsay Shepherd

You then walk by tablets with front-facing cameras meant to shame and silence you - how fun!

"Stop talking. Never share an uninvited opinion again," is written on the wall next to one of the tablets, while a mute symbol covers your mouth.

True North/ Lindsay Shepherd

Moving on: "Check privilege. Learn whether you're special or just lucky," with a halo around your head that reads "Undeserving."

True North/ Lindsay Shepherd

"Get curious. Vocalize your own ignorance." The tablet prompts you to say aloud, "I know nothing."

True North/ Lindsay Shepherd

AND THEN, the pièce de résistance, a webcam, and a screen that read "Aryan Recognition Tool: How Aryan Are You?"

Could face recognition be used to detect genocidal predators, or even casual racists? Find out whether your face matches any of the 1,900 examples of Aryans we've gathered.

This installation would apparently measure how your face compared to the faces of "the most infamous leaders of the Third Reich," but it was very unfortunately "out of order" when Shepherd visited.

Someone definitely needs to go back and check it out to see if it's ever working again...

True North/ Lindsay Shepherd

True North/ Lindsay Shepherd


True North/ Lindsay Shepherd

The exhibit continues with a timeline on a wall that went on 15 feet. It read, "An incomplete timeline of the circumstances that influenced the emergence - and evolution - of White racial identity."

I learned that as a white Canadian born in the mid-1990s, my identity is defined by slavery, scientific racism, Rudyard Kipling's 1899 poem "The White Man's Burden," colonialism, the Ku Klux Klan, the Third Reich, the "alt-right," and Robin DiAngelo's book White Fragility: Why It's So Hard for White People to Talk About Racism.

True North/ Lindsay Shepherd

The final two events on the timeline of what Shepherd called "white terribleness" were "2013: Black Lives Matter founded" and "2021: January 6 Insurrection."

True North/ Lindsay Shepherd

Oh, but that's not all, folks!

The last installation was a short film about reflecting the "current state of White identity in America," which was followed by a 30-minute compilation of meme videos mixed with scenes of racial violence, guns, and "creepy staring."

The worst part of this hate-all-white-people art exhibit was when Shepherd asked a visiting Australian couple how they liked the show, and she could see the programming/brainwashing was working.

"I was horrified. Horrified, devastated, saddened," the man said, before praising the exhibit and trailing off about "violence" and "so many wars."


He has been successfully programmed to hate himself.

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