Remember when New Zealand was going to ban cigarettes for those born after 2008? Yeah, they're trying to scrap that law because they need tax revenue now.
· Nov 28, 2023 ·

Last year around this time we reported that New Zealand was putting a generational ban on cancer sticks, but I guess restricting freedom isn't as important as tax revenue, so hold on a minute.

Yes, we're back to square one, and cigs are cool again — at least until we get our revenues back up.

New Zealand's new government says it plans to scrap the nation's world-leading smoking ban to fund tax cuts.

The legislation, introduced under the previous Jacinda Ardern-led government, would have banned cigarette sales next year to anyone born after 2008.

Smoking is the leading cause of preventable deaths in New Zealand, and the policy had aimed to stop young generations from picking up the habit.

Health experts have strongly criticized the sudden reversal.

"Health experts have strongly criticized the sudden reversal."

Uhh … ya think!?

But when you need tax revenue, I guess you need poor people to smoke cigarettes so they pay their fair share.

Both minor parties blocked a flagship National policy to open up foreign property ownership - which the party had been relying on to fund tax cuts for middle and higher-income earners. Ms Willis said on Saturday that had led to the party looking elsewhere.

And by elsewhere, well, they mean gathering taxes from cigarette smokers. Great to know New Zealand has the public's best interest in mind here with this new policy. However, at least they're not taking people's basic freedoms away by banning tobacco.

The law will still need to be repealed in parliament, and there's no word yet on whether or not Parliament cigarettes will be available during that session.

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