We've been so invested in solving the ongoing drug crisis in our country that we never stopped to consider that it was affecting rats at the same time:
'Drug-addicted rats' are eating narcotics seized and stored by Houston police, prompting a change in how long the department is required to store the evidence, officials said.
Houston Mayor John Whitmire, Harris County District Attorney Sean Teare and Houston Police Chief J. Noe Diaz on Friday announced new steps to dispose of drugs and other evidence kept at police headquarters downtown, some of which has been sitting there for decades, attracting rodents, even though cases they are linked to have long been adjudicated.
Mayor Whitmire put it bluntly:
We got 400,000, pounds of marijuana in storage ... The rats are the only ones enjoying it.
Rats in the evidence locker after getting doped up on weed like:
Does anyone here have a contact with Disney? I think I just came up with a great sequel to Ratatouille. This time we give it a little Scarface style twist. Or maybe just Dazed and Confused.

Teare said that "drug evidence collected before 2015 that is no longer needed for cases will be destroyed." This will, of course, deprive the rats of their drug stash. But it's time they kicked the habit.
And none too soon. Apparently rats on coke are significantly more unpleasant than sober rats:
This is difficult getting these rodents out of there. I mean, think about it. They're drug-addicted rats. They're tough to deal with.
The old tried-and-true method is probably best:

The cops should just be sure to bait it with you-know-what!
P.S. Now check out our latest video 👇