Spaniards chant "Spain is Christian, not Muslim!" in the streets ... where have I seen this one before?
· Nov 8, 2023 ·

It looks like the folks in Spain are getting fed up with being a "multicultural" country, but the jury's out on whether we're about to get El Cid 2.0 or Franco The Reboot.

Uhh, can you say "Reconquista"?

In response to anti-Israel and pro-Hamas protests, some Spaniards have taken to the streets to let the country's socialist government know they're getting a little tired of its supposedly "neutral" secularism.

These Spaniards must know their history. In the Middle Ages, their ancestors had to fight back Moorish Muslim invaders to take their country back for Christianity.

Spain would be Northern Morocco today if not for the Spaniards who drove the Moors out, which means much of the exploration of the Americas wouldn't have happened, including the arrival of Christopher Columbus or the destruction of the Aztecs.

But I guess if you're a commie, that's literally the worst thing ever. For them, having empire-wide human sacrifice on one side of the ocean and Sharia-based slavery on the other side is way better than all that science and exploration that happened over the last 500 years!

Speaking of the commies, Spain also has a precedent for removing them from power:

Man, like I said, I think I've seen this one before.

(Praying Spain doesn't go full Franco again though...)

It's almost like multiculturalism and socialism continue to fail whenever they're tried!

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