Progressive journalist shocks absolutely nobody by claiming conservative Christians and MAGA are worse than Hamas
· Nov 2, 2023 ·

You know those tired tropes that float around and you sometimes dismiss them as being too far fetched to be true?

When all this went down in Israel last month, I thought to myself, "Man, how long until progressives in the media find a way to take the side of Hamas?"

I laughed at myself for a minute, thinking of how ridiculous that thought was. I dismissed it as a generalization I have in my head of progressive media and their obsession with opposing absolutely everything that America stands for. At that moment, I didn't think people would actually be taking the side of terrorists, or marching in the streets in support of Hamas' attacks on American soil, or writing hit pieces that suggest that conservatives - specifically conservative Christians - are more reprehensible and a bigger threat to America than the jihadists over in Gaza ever could be.

Yet here we are. Less than a month after the attacks in Israel, you see segments of left-leaning media competing to become the most progressive and most devoted propagandists for the terror group that holds Gaza hostage. Take this article from as a primary example:

Can you believe this? Of course you can. Because that stereotype I mentioned earlier just so happens to be grounded in truth. Now don't get me wrong, not every single liberal or left-leaning news outlet is claiming that your average Christian conservative voter and their representatives in congress are actually worse than Hamas. Nor does this article claim that Hamas is the "good guy". But it does, in fact, claim that MAGA Republicans and Christian Nationalists are worse. The fact that this viewpoint is a mainstream view within the media is honestly a bit shocking, even from somebody whose life is caught up in the thick of the media's ridiculousness on a daily basis.

The article itself is just as uneducated and illiterate in the intentions and desires of the average American Christian as you'd expect. The author, Brian Karem, seems to be referencing his own personal stereotypes of the American MAGA conservative. Pretty much this:

All jokes aside, the article itself is pretty incredible in its claims. Karem writes:

While the world burns, Johnson and the MAGA wing of the Republican Party — which seems to have swallowed the evangelical movement while also embracing it (a T-1000 morphing into Sarah Connor is just about the right image) — is embracing the darkest verses of the Bible, apparently pushing for apocalypse with an enthusiasm only rivaled by Saul's slaughter of Christians before he changed his name to Paul.

What in the world? I mean, the article claims that Republicans wanting to DEFUND the war in Ukraine and aid an ally that was just viciously attacked are the warmongers. He claims, without any supporting evidence, that conservatives are on an "Inquisition" to overthrow the government and remake it in their own likeness. And, according to Karem, it's not a very flattering likeness.

Here's the crux of Karem's argument:

[Republicans] want no separation of church and state. They want an isolationist country surrounded by walls and dedicated to the proposition that the First Amendment guarantees them the right to worship any way they want — while forcing the rest of us to worship the way they choose.

Sure, do conservatives want to honor the First Amendment and have a secure border? Of course. But to say that there's a major political movement in this country that wants to force non-Christians to worship the way that we do is exactly the opposite of what conservative Christians want. We want the ability to worship the way that we choose, and we want you to leave us alone. We want you to have the right to disagree with us, but to never let the government demonize us for our religious beliefs. Ironically, that's exactly what's happening, and exactly what this article is calling for.

Ugh. I don't want to really think about this anymore, so I'll conclude with this thought:

Say the biggest threat to America really was MAGA conservatives and Christian Nationalists. How could that possibly be the case? Well, it wouldn't be for the same reason that this article claims. It would again be the exact opposite:The greatest threat to America is a conservative movement and Christian population that does not stand up for our God-given rights to worship, speak and defend our families and property with no infringement from the government.

In that way, a weak conservative party really may be responsible for the downfall of America.

But we aren't there yet. We've still got hope.

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