Joe Kernen of CNBC's Squawk Box absolutely roasted RINO Paul Ryan Wednesday morning on his show and it was simply hilarious to watch. I'm pretty sure Paul Ryan almost cried at one point.
Real quick, let's see what Ryan said a minute before being ripped to shreds by Kernen (quote below if you don't have time):
Republicans need to stay unified. Look, I want to see Trump succeed. I wish him well. If he succeeds, we all succeed as a country.
Now, just before this next clip starts, Kernen takes the floor, saying, "You know I love you." So this isn't simply a disrespectful own as the internet is making it out to be.
Anyhow, here's the good stuff:

Kernen just out here taking care of Trump's light work!
Speaking of Trump, he posted this later the same day:
Love that he's keeping tabs on the RINOs and refuses to play ball with them!
I'll leave you that full Squawk Box segment:
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