Well, would ya look at that.
Yeah, uhh, never saw that coming…
McDonald's CEO Chris Kempczinski said Monday the fast-food giant will hike prices in California after Gov. Gavin Newsom recently signed into law a measure that would give wage earners a $20-an-hour minimum — although the company hasn't yet decided by how much.
Raise the minimum wage, they said. It'll be fine, they said.
Yeah, good luck with that, California. People are already paying $18 for a Big Mac meal in some parts of the country. I'm guessing y'all will soon be paying at least $20 for the same meal.

The wage hike will take effect in April.
Here's what Kepczinski said, per Newsweek:
Asked about the law, signed by California Governor Gavin Newsom at the end of September, which will raise the minimum wage in the industry to $20 an hour — the highest in America — on an earnings call on Monday, Chris Kempczinski admitted "there is going to be a wage impact for our California franchisees" when it comes into effect.
"I don't think at this point we can say exactly how much of that is going to work its way in through pricing," he added, but said: "Certainly, there's going to be some element of that that does need to be worked through with higher pricing."
It isn't going to stop at $20 Big Mac meals. That's just the beginning.
(Remember, this is fast-food, AKA the cheapest food at the lowest legal quality that one can consume to stay alive.)
I'm just gonna warp ya back to 2002 real quick to show you how we used to have a proper country before the politicians destroyed our money:
Another fast-food joint joined in on the fun: Chipotle says they will raise prices in California by a "mid-to-high single-digit," so that's cool. You Californians will soon be paying $3.50 for a side of guacamole.
And I know how much you guys enjoy the company of others in that state, so you'll be glad to know that kiosks work at a much lower pay-rate than humans do — especially humans who get paid $20 per hour to place food orders. So you won't have to interact with as many of those pesky humans when you hit up McDonalds next year.
But go ahead and celebrate that $20 fast-food minimum wage, California. You deserve all the fun that comes with it!
Y'all are currently messing around, and you're about to find out what happens when you force employers to pay their employees a certain amount instead of letting the market decide!
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