Let's talk about this new footage of Jenna Ellis telling investigators that she was told Trump was "not going to leave" the White House
ยท Nov 14, 2023 ยท NottheBee.com

First, the footage, then the thoughts:

A few weeks ago, Jenna Ellis accepted a plea deal from leftwing prosecutors in Fulton County, Georgia who are out for Donald Trump's blood in a coordinated effort to take him off the board for next year's election.

Whether or not President Trump is guilty of anything he is accused of is secondary to the fact that this is precisely what the Left is doing.

Many of us were confused by this development with Jenna. We've never covered her negatively here on this site, and that's important to note, because I want you to know we have no malice or angle here towards her. Jenna is open about her faith in Christ, and as a sister in Christ, it would be utterly wrong of me to slander her based on what I see or read on the internet. There are times when it is right to point out hypocrisy and evil through strong words and even mockery, and Not The Bee was born for such things, but I'm not going to do that here.

So what to do with this clip? Is Jenna betraying Donald Trump and her own values in order to avoid jail time from the regime?

ABC News sure wants you to think so.

(Ask yourself: What is the media's angle here? More on that in a minute.)

Everything Jenna says here is hearsay: That is, she's saying that someone said that Trump said he wasn't going to leave the White House. That says literally nothing about Trump's own thoughts on the matter.

Jenna states that in December 2020 at the White House Christmas Party, former deputy chief of staff Dan Scavino said Trump wasn't going to leave, but he did leave and there was a peaceful transition of power.

The events of January 6th were not, as the media is fond of repeating, some insurrection on either the part of Trump or the people present.

Instead of knee-jerk reactions towards Jenna, since you or I cannot know what is happening behind the scenes or in her own heart, look at the reasons behind the release of this tape. THAT's the real story here.

Look at the grifters like The Lincoln Project who flat-out lie in clips like this:

Look at the fundraiser Fulton County DA Fanni Willis is holding this week after the tape was published by ABC News:

This is about rallying the troops to give more money to the war chest. Leftists and unipartyists have to keep people focused on Orange Man Bad and grandmas waving flags in the Capitol on J6 because it is the only Hail Mary they have (outside aborting babies) to get people to vote for them. Everything else is falling apart under their leadership.

Is THIS clip the best they have? If so, LAME! The whole case hinges on what Dan Scavino reportedly said at a Christmas party??

Is Fulton County coercing Jenna Ellis and others in the process? Well, of course: Arresting the lawyers of the former president for representing him is, it itself, a dark road that leads to societal hell. But I'd like to think that not every prosecutor/investigator involved in these cases is scheming to invoke a totalitarian banana republic.

To that end, I must give Jenna (and even the investigators) grace where even the wisest cannot see all ends (IYKYK) and focus on the reasons behind video releases like these and the ambitions of those who control those releases.

I'll conclude with this: Donald Trump is very likely to be sentenced on one of the many charges his political enemies have brought to bear. That well may be the tipping point that destroys this nation, the "democracy" those opponents claim to care about, and unleashes chaos I never wanted my children to see.

As that is the case, the wisest use of our time is not calling people traitors on the internet, but getting on our knees in prayer.

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