Let's check in on Little Rocket Man and see what he's crying about this time
ยท Dec 5, 2023 ยท NottheBee.com

I know you're busy fighting the commies in the West, but Lil' Kimmy and squad seem to be suffering from some of the same issues we're facing over here.


Yeah, so Rocketman literally cried as he begged North Korean women to pump out more babies to keep the failing communist grift going.

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un has said it is a duty of women to halt a fall in the country's births in order to strengthen national power, state media said Monday, as his government steps up the call for the people to have more children.

While getting a detailed read on North Korea's population trends is extremely difficult because of the limited statistics it discloses, South Korea's government assesses that the North's fertility rate has declined steadily for the past 10 years. That is a concerning development for a country that depends on mobilized labor to help keep its broken, heavily sanctioned economy afloat.

Kim's latest appeal for women to have more children was made Sunday during the country's National Mothers Meeting, the first of its kind in 11 years.

Fortunately for him, the women in attendance were required to cheer him on under penalty of death, so he seemed to recover quickly!

Creepy. As. Heck.

My opinion?

Kimmy misses his best bud!

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