LA County wants its social workers to ask kids as young as TEN about their sexual orientation
ยท Oct 31, 2023 ยท

Why is it still a thing to ask kids about their sexual "orientation"? I thought we were over this.

Apparently not in the City of Fallen Angels.

Oh yeah, don't forget, these social workers are supposed to ask for the kids' gEnDeR iDenTitiEs as well.

Glad you're out here helping kids, Los Angeles.

Social workers in Los Angeles County are required to ask children reportedly as young as 10 years old about their "sexual orientation" and "gender identity."

A spokesperson for the county Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS) confirmed the policy, which requires social workers to engage in "conversations about sexual orientation, gender identity and expression" without adherence to any specific age limit.

In a statement to The Christian Post, DCFS said the practice โ€” which "does not include a specific age as a parameter" โ€” is "designed to promote the overall mental health and well-being of [LGBT] youth.

Imagine for a moment finally being rescued from an abusive home only to be placed face to face with some rando who immediately starts asking you about your gender identity and sexual orientation.

And here you thought you'd escaped Uncle Leroy.

Such a backwards way of doing things. What kind of weirdo asks kids these things?

According to its website, DCFS policy states there is "no right or wrong age to ask a child [or non-minor dependent] about their sexual orientation and gender identity and expression.

This policy also states that a child's "sexual orientation is confidential and is not to be disclosed in any court reports unless the child ... has given permission to share the information."

"Regardless of a parent's wishes for disclosure it is the child's right to choose whether or not to disclose their sexual orientation," the document states.

What are we doing here, Los Angeles County?

What are we doing?

Extra credit here for you hardcore types:

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