The Devouring Mother: Let's talk about this Irish senator and her pals, who want to "save" Ireland by imprisoning their neighbors for hAtE sPeeCh
ยท Nov 27, 2023 ยท

Listen to this Irish senator explain why restricting freedom is necessary for the common good:



I'm sure I'll figure it out.

You guys starting to understand why the Irish are rioting against their overlords?

Imagine being arrested for having memes like this on your phone:


You're not allowed to make fun of anything, m'lords and ladies! Stop noticing things they don't want you to notice. That's hateful and violent!

The push for "hate" speech laws comes on the heels of a riot in Dublin last week that started because a Muslim North African migrant (who was supposed to be deported in 2003 but somehow stayed and got citizenship) stabbed multiple little kids.

Instead of responding to the ideology that led to actual murder, however, the government is trying to imprison Irishmen who won't tolerate little kids being stabbed.

But why is this? Why do these woke leaders think they will save their country through restricting freedom?

The answer is very important. I could just show you a hot take that would get me arrested in Ireland...

...But if you have a moment, I'd like to talk about the literary archetype of the "Devouring Mother" and why it explains what's going on in government.

Our Western cultures have become lopsidedly feminine in ways most people inside the culture can't see.

Imagine the most over-the-top machismo, Conan-the-Barbarian-style country you've ever seen:

Now invert it.

Instead of a rootin', tootin', "pull yourselves up by your bootstraps" mentality filled with cigars, gunpowder, and "Bond" charisma, we have a nanny-state mother who coddles us to death.

The "Devouring Mother" is seen throughout literature and history as the woman who says she's trying to keep her kids safe from danger but is actually smothering them for her own gratification. There are millions of such mothers out there in our society alone. Instead of protecting her children, she ultimately fails to prepare them for reality and reality crushes them.

I could go through a boring history list to expand on the point, but I bet this Disney GIF might get there faster:

Western politicians are living this persona out, seeking to make society safer and less hateful by jailing any speech they disagree with. If we just go along with the program, the world will become a wonderful place. Let's coddle the college kids with safe spaces, let everyone have their own identity, break down the "patriarchal" rules of the past, and invite every human trafficker, jihadi, and drug lord into our neighborhoods like lost little puppies (and plaster Bible verses out of context to make opponents feel guilty). If we all mask up and pledge allegiance to the rainbow sex flag, the problems of terrorism, addiction, trafficking, and war will disappear!

Except that never happens. The Devouring Mother smothers all, and it starts by invoking government power to force people to play nice.

To the "Thou Shalt Be Nice Or Else" crowd, get this through your thick skulls: It doesn't end in harmony. It ends in gulags and civil war.

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