House Oversight Committee releases video explaining how Joe Biden allegedly got $40,000 in laundered Chinese money
· Nov 1, 2023 ·

It's a slow news day and CBS/ABC/CNN/MSNBC aren't going to run this story, but you should see it.

Remember 10% for the Big Guy?

Remember how Hunter Biden threatened his Chinese associate by telling him his father was sitting with him waiting for his phone call?

Rep. James Comer lays out the financial evidence that all of this is connected:

Here's a handy diagram the Oversight Committee made with the connections:

Joe literally got 10% of the $400,000 that landed in Hunter's account!

And a photo of the check itself:

Any journalists care to ask Joe about this shady setup?

Any at all?

P.S. Now check out our latest video 👇

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