Hillary was on "The View" today to compare Trump to Hitler. I'm not joking!
· Nov 8, 2023 · NottheBee.com

Man, that Trump Derangement Syndrome hits hard, doesn't it?

Here's perpetual loser Hillary Clinton whining about losing to Donald Trump again, because that's all she can do, and making a strained comparison of Donald Trump to, you guessed it, Hitler.

I thought democracy was good, Hillary!!!

People would get legitimately elected and then they would try to do away with elections, do away with opposition, and do away with a free press. And you could see it in countries where- well, Hitler was duly elected. And so all of a sudden, someone with those tendencies, dictatorial, authoritarian tendencies would be like, "we're gonna shut this down, we're gonna throw these people in jail" and they didn't usually telegraph that.

Trump is telling us what he intends to do!

"YES QUEEEEEN!" The harpies from The View shout as Hillary says Trump is worse than Hitler because he's telling the truth.

Not a single person on that panel felt a little weird about calling Trump worse than Hitler!!!

Here's more context. It doesn't help.

I think it would be the end of our country as we know it.

Hillary is afraid that Trump, who proved unwilling or unable to get HER thrown in prison the first time might find the will to do it the second time around. So she has to do what Dems always do: Project.

  • There's only one party with political prisoners and it ain't the Republicans.
  • There's only side of the political aisle that encouraged fiery riots in the streets, and it wasn't conservatives.
  • There's only party that colluded with Big Tech to censor Americans and take away freedoms for "public health," and it wasn't Republicans.
  • There's only one side of the political aisle being prosecuted by the DOJ and raided by the FBI for their politics, and it's not the Never Trumpers!

Be careful where you're pointing that finger, Hillary.

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