Variety is being nice here:
"Wish" misfired in its opening weekend, extending Disney‘s bleak box office fortunes.
The animated musical fable, about the Wishing Star that so many Disney characters have wished upon over the studio's century-long history, failed to become the de facto choice for families around Thanksgiving. "Wish" opened in third place with a dull $31.7 million over the five-day holiday, a far cry from Disney's past Turkey Day feasts. Perhaps King Magnifico, the movie's villain (voiced by Chris Pine), is holding hostage the wishes of Disney executives?
Like I said, Variety is pulling the punches. The reality is horrific for the Mouse House.
The movie spent a reported $400 million between production and advertising. If you know how movies work, you know that not even reaching $32 million on opening weekend is BEYOND ABYSMAL.
Remember, this was a long Thanksgiving weekend, but no one wanted their kids to see the newest animated Disney flick!!
Can you imagine this being the case 10 years ago when films like "Frozen" were setting box-office records?
The media is barely talking about it: This massive failure of America's once-beloved entertainment king is hardly a passing story in my newsfeed because NO ONE CARES ANYMORE.
It takes real skill to drive a company into the ground that fast.
I knew the movie would be woke from the trailer, but I'm impressed that so many people are waking up to just how bad and preachy Disney is these days.
More from ZeroHedge:
Numerous reports suggest that Wish is opening to empty theaters across the country. Media spin doctors have attempted to jump ahead of "get woke, go broke" accusations with articles claiming that the movie is not woke, but more "Libertarian" in its messaging. This is, for the most part, a dishonest deflection. The film's producers openly admitted their woke methodology in a number of interviews including their desire to inject Diversity and Inclusion messaging.
The New York Times wrote this article over the weekend celebrating the diverse, woke director who ran yet another $400+ million project into the ground:
A few more pieces like that ought to save the brand! 😂
Lightyear, Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny, Elemental, The Marvels, all the Disney+ Star Wars shows ... is there anything Disney is making that isn't a flop besides Guardians of the Galaxy?
Instead of firing all the woke cultists who are ruining the company, Disney and its shills are blaming the fans for being racist, sexist, bigots, because that's what they always do.
The spin machine is working overtime to defend Disney's brand. Woke films like Elemental were flops at American theaters but made more money overseas (the movie still failed to break even once marketing costs and the theater cut is added). Wish will probably be handled the same way - A disaster in the US but a "moneymaker" in South Korea or Brazil. And at this stage in the game this is the best that Disney can hope for: Breaking even.
In the meantime, Disney's name is mud in America and for good reason. Rumors are swirling that the company is seeking to "de-wokify" future content, but it may be too little too late for an organization that only two years ago was so aggressive and prideful in their efforts to indoctrinate American youth.

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