Guys, I'm really getting tired of all these headlines about how Mike Johnson is an ultra-based Chad Christian nationalist Southern Baptist who believes in true Christianity.
It's just getting making him WAY too cool for a Speaker of the House.
Remember this from last week?
Well, CNN has got him this time!
Oh no! Once again, Mike Johnson shows how he's an evil, dangerous, Christian nationalist because he believes basic Christian teachings!

Yes, CNN spent time unearthing recordings of Mike Johnson where he says things that a majority of Christians on the planet would openly state in public with zero hesitation.
Over 60 million babies have been aborted in the last 50 years in America (over a billion worldwide) and Mike Johnson thinks that's a holocaust? The horror!
He thinks man is born with a sinful nature and is inherently evil? And abortion is murder? And sexual behaviors outside of God's design are unnatural and lead to "the due penalty for their error"?
What a radical!
(I couldn't mention his thoughts on homosexuality in the headline because Facebook would nuke us!)
They even thought this quote would turn us against Johnson:
One of the primary purposes of the law in civil government is to restrain evil… We have to acknowledge collectively that man is inherently evil and needs to be restrained. That's - see, that's the problem with the radical left. They don't acknowledge a God."

Yeah, any sane person who fears God ought to be able to wholeheartedly endorse Johnson's statements here.
The media's continual shock over finding out that Christians believe Christian things is always entertaining.
P.S. Now check out our latest video 👇