Come look at Campbell's roundup of every state's favorite Thanksgiving side dish, then please check on your friends in Virginia
ยท Nov 23, 2023 ยท

Campbell's Soup Company did the research and came up with this year's "State of the Sides" report showing the most popular Thanksgiving side dish in each state.

First, the map legend:

Then the map:

According to Campbell's, the average Thanksgiving meal includes five side dishes. This year the overall most popular choice was mashed potatoes, beating out last year's favorite, the classic dressing/stuffing.


I'm honestly amazed that Alabama is the only state that chose Sweet Potato Casserole as its #1 side (though, technically it tied with mac and cheese, which is fair).

Why aren't the rest of y'all eating dessert as a side dish?

Maybe stranger than sweet potatoes being totally (and unfairly) overlooked this holiday season is Virginia's choice of side:

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If salad is the best part of your Thanksgiving meal, you're doing Thanksgiving wrong.

Unless jello is the main ingredient in your salad, it doesn't belong on your Thanksgiving table.

A whopping 84% of Virginians preferred sides over turkey (compared to 64% of Americans on average), but the side they most prefer is salad. MAKE IT MAKE SENSE.

Moving on to the non-crazies, I have to give Colorado a shoutout for choosing bread. Bread is delicious and should be a part of every holiday meal.

One thing that the majority of participants from all 50 states had in common was the desire to bring their own cultural sides to the traditional turkey dinner, so no matter what your favorite side is, I hope you find it on your Thanksgiving table this year.

Unless it's a salad. That's just wrong.

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