Russian Supreme Court outlaws LGBTQ activism
ยท Nov 30, 2023 ยท

Russia's Supreme Court just labeled all LGBTQ activists as extremists, essentially outlawing the movement.


Man, in America we label people in red hats who take tours of the Capitol as extremists. Is it too late to switch that to people who parade half naked in the streets while performing sex acts on one another? Or maybe men who dance in lingerie in front of little children? I mean, seems a little extreme to me.

Okay sorry, back to Russia.

Ruling in response to a lawsuit filed by the Justice Ministry, the court labeled what the suit called the LGBTQ+ "movement" operating in Russia as an extremist organization and banned it.

The ruling is the latest step in a decade-long crackdown on LGBTQ+ rights in Russia under President Vladimir Putin, who has emphasized "traditional family values" during his 24 years in power.

Here come all the Chinese bots, but..

And I'll leave this part here for all the lefties who want Trumpers labeled as extremists in this country.

Multiple rights activists have noted the lawsuit was lodged against a movement that is not an official entity, and that under its broad and vague definition, Russian authorities could crack down on any individuals or groups deemed to be part of it.

Hope my liberal readers were still here for at least part of that.

So, to summarize my little thought bubble, Russia is outlawing a movement which seeks to sink society into depravity; meanwhile, in the states we're cracking down on conservative "extremists" who seek to destroy the evil, Satan-worshiping, sex-trafficking, transing-the-youth monster which has grown up inside of our government and society as a whole.

That is all.

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