Are cell phones driving the fertility crisis? A new study says yes—or no. Kind of. It's complicated.
· Nov 2, 2023 ·

We very much need to figure out the fertility crisis. We're on the verge of demographic collapse here. We all know it. At this point, we're at the "Pay-Women-to-Have-More-Babies" stage of disaster.

Some people are given to wondering if the rise of cell phones has anything to do with it.

And the answer may — or may not be — yes. Basically, we're not really sure. But anyway:

The more men use their cell phones, the lower their concentration of sperm, according to an alarming new study.

But hold the phone, fellas, because hope is on the line — as current mobile technologies have been shown to produce less potentially harmful frequencies than early cellular devices.

My feelings right now:

You'll forgive me if I'm a bit skeptical about the claim that "phones from twenty years ago were zapping your sperm into oblivion but today's phones are way better." I dunno. That strikes me as a bit iffy.

But maybe it's fair. The study's authors found that "those who picked up their device more than 20 times a day were found to have a 21% lower concentration of sperm compared to those who did not use their phone more than once a week." Yet they found that the results of those findings shifted as the longitude of the study progressed:

However, study authors have noted that the relationship between cell phone use and sperm characteristics was more pronounced during the first survey, between 2005 and 2007, and has gradually decreased in later research periods, until their reporting ended in 2018.

Hard to believe that's possible given the sheer increase in power and computing that comes with the smartphone. But apparently it's not crazy: One of the scientists says the trend "corresponds to the transition from 2G to 3G, and then from 3G to 4G, that has led to a reduction in the transmitting power of phones." So the more technologically powerful the phones have gotten, the less their "transmitting power" has given off.

Thankfully, scientists "found no correlations between where men stored their cell phones" and their fertility rate.

One has to wonder if it isn't the tech but the soyboy lack of testosterone that happens when men do this all day long:

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